Tuesday, 14 August 2012

A few updates - prints now available

So again I feel I should apologise for the long absence!  Summer months are busy for gigging musicians and I haven't had much time off.  That and things are picking up in the shop so I've been keeping on top of orders.  I have finally started adding prints to my shop though!  :)  I'll put more on that in a sec but first, there's no space to write this on Etsy so I'll put it here - I've been selling more of these bracelets recently than I ever expected! (thank you if you've bought one!)  At the moment they're sold out, but that's temporary.

I've run out of the little bird charms.  I've got some more on order, so hopefully I can get these back in stock soon, so if you are wanting one, I will be making some more.  :)  I've also been making plans for a Harry Potter inspired bracelet, and in the meantime I made this blue one, centred more around Annie and Finnick.  Again though, until I get my little birds I only have one in stock!

Anyway, that's my little service update :)

Back to the prints - I'm really pleased about this because I've been dabbling in photography for a while now - I had a DSLR for Christmas a few years ago and have been experimenting with it ever since.  I finally decided to take the leap and list some of my photographs in my shop.  At the moment I'm just selling them as prints, but I have been looking into greetings cards, calendars, and more.  Here are a couple I've just listed.  I'd be really interested to know what you all think!

This one was taken in a little patch of woodlands in Dorset in 2010.  It's such a pretty place I have a number of images from that spring.  Every year it fills with pretty bluebells, and the light was just perfect on this particular day.  

This photograph was taken in July 2012 on my recent trip to the Loire Valley, Brittany and the surrounding area (see previous post!).  This is the Passage du Gois, a natural road between Beauvoir-sur-Mer and the Isle of Noirmoutier. The road is flooded twice a day by high tide.  Luckily for me, the beautiful weather and the timings lined up and we crossed just at sunset.  It really was an incredible sight!  

So yeah, you'll be seeing more of my photography sneaking into the shop - I'll mostly be listing nature and landscape photographs.  I'm also into sports & gig photography so I might put those up in an album but probably not in the shop.  As with most of my work, I'm not too focussed on any one thing, I just tend to go everywhere with my camera and see what catches my eye! 

Lastly, the final reason for my recent disappearances - I'm moving house!  I'll no longer be based in the Midlands, but I'm moving up to South Yorkshire to start a full-time day job.  I'll still be running my shop and blog, but over the next few months I might be a bit quiet.  However, one of my main excitements about the new house is I'm getting my own craft room!  No more scrabbling in bags and boxes for bits of ribbon or those crystals I know I have somewhere - I'll actually have a space to set everything out - YAY!  :)

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