Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Made it home, time for a cuppa!

Hello all!

I've had a busy week and a bit, staying in beautiful Dorset focussing on my music stuff, so I've slacked on posting...Sorry!  Being in the lovely countryside has given me some more ideas for some home items though, and it's a great place to relax!

I arrived home to lots of post, including stainless steel stamping blanks, which I am very excited about.  They look just like silver, but won't tarnish in the same way and are cheaper.  Looking forward to trying them out.  I also got some keyring blanks which I'm planning to use with some of my photography work, and these...

Glitter varnish!  These are for my new project, but I'm waiting for a couple more bits to arrive before I can start on it.  I'll be using them on polymer clay shapes.  Watch this space!  I've got some more bits to photograph and post on Etsy that I made over my trip away, but I'll have to do that in the daylight.

Finally, I will be holding a stall at a craft fair in April in Leicester (more details to come), which will hopefully coincide with the launch of my new name and website.  I will be leaving JewelleryByKat in favour of something more permanent, and more interesting!  Hopefully something that will encompass my jewellery, photography, and maybe a few other bits and pieces too.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Beautiful Sunny Day in Dorset!

Okay, so I've slacked a little on the posting and tutorial-ing, just been keeping to my target of posting at least one new item a day in my shop and keeping on top of admin in the 'Critique Me' Etsy team.  I'm in Dorset at the moment, which is beautiful, and I've been busy crafting, but am without my usual photo set up so can't put any of my new creations in the shop until next week.

I went for a walk round Shaftesbury yesterday, and I went to see Gold Hill, or the Hovis hill, if you prefer! :P

I also popped into the fab bead shop at the top of the hill, as I always do, and bought some pretty things.  Not quite sure what I'll do with them but they just caught my eye!  Amongst other things I bought some shell beads and some gorgeous tanzanite coloured glass beads...I really love the unusual shape of them, they really sparkle!  If you ever pass by, check out The Beadster, or check it out online.

Also, today my boyfriend did some charity shop perusing in my absence and bought me a little present...

Cheeky or what?  :P  It's actually not as fluffy as the cover suggests, but that isn't why he bought it!

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hello all,

I've never been a big one for valentine's personally, but I did get a beautiful rose delivered this morning, so I'm not complaining :P  Isn't it gorgeous?  :)  It's from a little florist in town.  I just love the little crystal heart in it.

Did any of you get anything handmade for valentines?

I've been away doing musical things all weekend so I haven't posted in a while (including an album launch! :D).  I am currently waiting for stamping blanks to arrive, I bought a set of letter stamps from Lori at SupplyZone on Etsy, and I can't wait to try them out.  All you jewellery makers, go and look at her stuff (and tell her JewelleryByKat sent you), she has a whole shop full of lovely stuff to inspire your creations.  I'll post pictures of my stamped things once I've got them!

These are the ones I bought, I bought both upper and lower case sets.  I'm going to get a slightly bigger set for doing single initials at some point, these are beautiful but at 2mm are (obviously) very small!  Have a look - Handwritten stamps.

I'm also planning my next tutorial, I think it will be the floating necklace, possibly in purple swarovski and pearl, or maybe AB clear swarovski, I haven't quite decided.  It may have to wait though, I'm recording another album next week, as you do!  I also have a floating bracelet in mind, so hopefully I'll get time to do that this evening and put some pics up.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

First tutorial - Polymer Clay Kitten

Okay, so here is my first tutorial.  Please ignore the slightly scary white balance (and the slightly scarier blue nail polish...curiosity and a new colour got the better of me...)

This is a tutorial aimed at beginners to make this little guy.  Here's what you need:

  • Polymer clay (goes without saying really) in black, white and pink.  I don't have pink so I'm using red and white.  I'm using Sculpey Premo brand, but there are quite a few brands to choose from.
  • A clay cutter.
  • Some sort of non-stick mat.  I'm using a laminated place mat.
  • A rolling device.  I have an acrylic tube but I've seen this done with a can of hairspray.  Anything non-porous is fine.
Through trial and error I've realised the best thing is to start by making the white shapes you need, otherwise you'll end up transferring colour from other clay to the white.  You need to roll the clay around in your hands to make sure it's all soft and the same consistency throughout.  You can roll it out too if you prefer with your rolling pin-type-thing, just to make sure it's all warm and well mixed.  The white picks up fluff really easily, I used a sharp point to pick out the obvious bits.

First you're making what will be his white stomach.  You just take a little ball of white clay and roll it around in your fingers, then press firmly onto the table to flatten it out into roughly an oval shape.  If it's the wrong size just roll it up and try again.

Then you need to make what will be the paws and eyes.  To make each eye or paw the same size, make one ball of clay and split it down the middle.  You can leave them as balls for now, their eventual shape will be more obvious later on.

For his individual 'claw' bits, make a really (really) thin roll of clay and cut thin cylinders off it.  Put all these bits to one side for later.


Next you're making the body and head.  Roll out some black clay til it's soft, and then make two balls, one a bit larger than the other.

Then you need to make the paws and ears.  Again separate out and roll two little balls of black clay, then split each in half (so you get ears and paws of the same size).  For the ears, roll each half a ball into a cylinder, and squeeze one end between your finger and thumb so you get a teardrop shape (left pic below).  For the paws, press the ball mostly flat on the table (right pic below), then shape it into a sort of, soft semi-circle.

For the tail, just roll another cylinder of clay that tapers off at one end.

Now time for phase two!  Assembling.  Phew.

Put the head onto the body, and then put the flat white oval from the first bit of the tutorial onto the kitten's middle.  Then you put the semi-circle black paws on, and the flattened small balls of white that you made at the start.  You then dot on the tiny bits of white as little 'finger' claws.

Next you put his ears on.  Squish a little flat bit at the wide end of the ear, and press it to the side of the kitten's head.  This will be strong enough once baked to hold his ears on.  The tail just goes on up his back.  Again squish a little flat bit and stick that underneath, then 'wiggle' his tail up his back.  Make sure even the tip of his tail touches his head or body, otherwise it could snap off during baking.  You then put the white eyes on (flatten out the balls you made earlier), and cut two tiny bits of black for his pupils.

Now all that's left is a nose!  If you have pink clay, just add a little dot of that.  I didn't, so very quickly here's an easy clay blending method.  A tutorial within a tutorial, if you will.

Clay blending to make one constant colour, dead easy!


Take a small amount of red, and a lump of white.  Press the red into the white and roll it out.  Fold it up and roll it out again repeatedly until all of the clay is the same colour throughout.  You can save the rest of this pink in cling film, so don't worry about making lots more than you need for a nose!

Once you've put his nose on, that's it!  :)  At this stage you can add a loop if you want him to be a keyring or pendant.  You can use a metal 'eye' with a screw, but personally I'd use an eye pin as it will be much thinner and won't displace the clay as much.  Just cut off an eye pin (leave around 5mm straight pin) and push it into his head (ouch!) before baking.

  You just need to bake your little fella and he's finished.  For Premo Sculpey, I bake (on baking paper as well as a tray...don't want him to stick) for 30 mins at 130 degrees, but it will say on the pack of clay what time and temperature to use.  When he's done and cooled, you can glaze him (using polymer clay gloss or varnish), or leave as is.  If you want to paint on whiskers, you can use acrylic paint after he's been baked (before the gloss).

So that's it, my first tutorial.  I'd be really interested to hear your feedback and see what you make! :)  He'll be available in my Etsy shop soon.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Wedding jewellery and some Fimo

Today I've been busy.  I made this necklace, it's been in my head for a while, this 'floating' idea.  I made a predecessor to this for myself to wear in capri blue and crystal moonlight swarovski on illusion cord, which I found was a bit too flexible.  This one is on jewellery wire, and I'm really happy with it!

I've got a bracelet and earrings in the same colour scheme in my shop too, I really love ruby and pearls, I think it's a really classic wedding combination.  As a musician, I've played at lots of weddings and seen lots of really exciting and lovely colour schemes, but there's just something really nice about this one.  All my ruby and pearl things are in my 'Special Occasions' shop section here.

The other thing I've been doing over the last few days is experimenting with Premo Sculpey clay, like Fimo.  I've made a load of heart beads in bright colours, but I've also been making more exciting things...

This is my first little critter, I think he's a keeper.  He is about 25mm tall, so was quite fiddly for a first project but I'm pleased with him.  I also made an elephant yesterday so I'll put some pictures on once he's fully assembled and done.  I'm planning to do a beginner's tutorial on this little kitten, there are some really fantastic youtube videos on how to make more complicated things, but not as much for proper beginners, and this little fella is fairly easy, would be a great project for kids with a bit of assistance.  The one I make for the tutorial will also be available in my Etsy shop, I just haven't decided if he'll get a pin in his ear or head (ouch) to make him into a keyring, or if he'll just be a figure.

Now, what other animals can I make? :)

Monday, 6 February 2012

Welcome to my new blog!

Hello and welcome to my new blog!

I'm going to use this blog to show some of the things I make, as well as some of the lovely handmade bits and pieces I find in my travels, and hopefully get some tutorials up here too!  So stick around, tell yer friends and get comfy.  :)

So a little bit about me...

I'm a musician, photographer, jewellery maker and quite a creative person generally.  I love handmade bits and pieces and have always loved craft fairs (and sparkly things!).  I honestly can't remember what got me started making jewellery, but part of my inspiration comes from not being able to find things I wanted to wear and thinking, 'okay, I'll just do it myself!'.  I'm one of those, make-a-plan-and-learn-how-to-do-it-later types :)  I've just finished training as a teacher, and whilst looking for a full-time job and being a self-emplyed musician, I decided to take a leap and start running my own shop online.

I've been making jewellery since around about the start of August 2011, so I'm fairly new to all this. I have an Etsy shop and am currently redesigning my website, and I also sell on Folksy. I've been to a few craft fairs as well. I use a lot of Swarovski crystals in my pieces (cos I love wearing them too), as well as glass beads, tibetan silver charms and other pretty bits and pieces.  I've recently tried out silver clay (with mixed results on first attempt!), and most recently, have discovered polymer clay, which I LOVE.  As I type, my first polymer clay animal is cooling in the kitchen, i'll post some photographs later!

In the meantime...

You can find my Etsy shop here - http://www.etsy.com/shop/JewelleryByKat
My Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/JewelleryByKat
And I'm on Twitter too - @JewelleryByKat